Airtex Products Digital Media
At Airtex Products, I designed and integrated a modern interactive product photography process that would be used by the company website and national chains such as NAPA and Autozone.
Alisha Sims Photography
I had the pleasure of partnering with Alisha Sims Photography, now Alisha White Photography, in 2013. Alisha hired my services to design and develop a new portfolio and business website as well as assist with a new logo.
Airtex Products
At Airtex Products, I supported the marketing department, sales department, engineering department and the technical service department with a variety of projects.
Oakview Heights Continuous Care & Rehab
I had the pleasure of working with Oakview Heights Continuous Care and Rehab Center. I was asked to develop a new branding solution for the facility, provide variations that could be used as an icon and provide examples of potential product placement.
FRAM Drive
The Fram Drive product line was created and launched in 2021. This was another large product launch with well over 100 SKU’s. The Fram Drive line is available nationally at Advanced Auto Parts.
FRAM True Air
The Fram True Air premium cabin air filter product line was created and launched in 2021. This was a large product launch with well over 100 SKU’s. The Fram True Air filter line became the premium cabin filter option available to purchase at Walmart stores nationally.
FRAM Titanium
The Fram Titanium premium oil filter product line was redesigned in 2022-2023. I helped develop the new packaging design from the beginning and supported the project to production of the product packaging artwork.
FRAM Synthetic Endurance
The Fram Synthetic Endurance oil filter product line was a new product launch that I helped develop from the beginning to production of the product packaging artwork line.